
Hiii Friends

Hii Friends follow me!

Wednesday, 26 October 2011


Hi friends,happy diwali all my hindu friends :) Diwali is a festival of lights :) We light the diyas nd play with crackers :) nd BTW my nickname is diya :) So this diwali what r u doing? ;)
Today is a quite good day :) For breakfast i had bread,cream cheese nd mixed fruit juice same as always then my lunch was Khichuri nd tomato chutney! Khihuri is a mixture of rice nd dal :) nd My dinner is going to be pizza from pizza hut nd my evening snack is ice-cream nd smiles :)
But now facebook is not opening they r teling its having DNS Server problem nd telling something about  URL ND IP Adress!!! :'(

Bye friends have a great diwali nd deepawali :)

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Mall world craze!

Hi friends i missed blogging :) Nowadays i play mw all the time i stay online i have mallworld craze! Short form of mallworld is mw :) Nd i play another game with mw thats fashion desgner meaning fd there u have to design clothes :) Not only i play mw i made groups nd i am admin of many group i am admin of many pages :) :) The group i am owner is blooming mallworld nd blooming fashion desgner! The groups i am admin are-Mw fashion icons,The stars of mw nd assistant of mw family! many more <3

Bye friends nd Good Afternoon :)